pitakumbura tuseday fair

May 11, 2008

It is valuable gift of the market in pitakumbura villages. they are very Lucky. becours farmers are living this aria, and they could sell their havest large  price. their income is expanding at an astonishing rate.this aria people attention to cultivate vegetables fruits.

but  this fair place facilities are very poor.farmers sell their goods in side of bibla_ ampara road.sell rooms is not this fair and water, sanitation facilities are not.two accident were happened in this place.

local government authority did not attention this fair develop. most of people discussed with chairmen of local government authority (bibila pradeshiya sabha) this problem. this local government is poor. because pitakumbura fair is not develop by this authority

developing wellassa

March 2, 2008

ancient people  in wellassa aria were very  strength and power-pull. they  created a strength wellassa aria. Now we do not see this wellassa. Because Englishmen destroyed this aria. now  we try to build  that strong aria. we facet many problem.we are not large capital.

But we build our wellassa with strength of wellassa people

Hello world!

March 2, 2008

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